Videos made in a Space Gorilla/Gifted Life co-production go viral and make the news.

Gifted Life is a new charity established to raise awareness and support for the mental health of people who have received organ transplants. Gifted Life's founder and Space Gorilla producer, Lauren Rowe wrote, produced and performed in two short videos called "Things transplant recipients never say..." and "MORE things transplant recipients never say..." They were also produced, script edited, shot and put through post production by Space Gorilla. The videos were launched to celebrate Donate Life Week and have been received incredibly well. So well in fact, various news outlets, including ABC News have picked up the story, interviewing Lauren and and helping to spread the word by sharing the videos. The videos are now being watched and shared as far around the world as the USA, Canada and the UK. Links to the videos on Facebook are below as well as the ABC NEWS article. The videos can also be viewed in the Monkey Business section of our website.

ABC News article for Gifted Life

Things transplant recipients never say...

MORE things transplant recipients never say...



We'll make a music video for a lucky band/musician... For free!

We here at Space Gorilla love making things and want to make more things. We love it so much that, for this one time only, want to make a music video free of charge. All that's needed from you is a cool song that's ready to go. Now, the music video will be conceived according to the song and our given resources (which are more than enough) so don't expect a Gondry type video. Think simple idea that's beautifully executed in an interesting location and lots of fun.

Check out our website to see some of the other music videos we've made and if keen, hit us up here or email gorillainspace@gmail.com with a copy of your song.



A Space Gorilla nominated by the ADG.

Space Gorilla's Timothy Wilde has been nominated by the Australian directors Guild for best direction in an original online production for Precinct 13: Baby Jane's, Goodbye which; a co-production between Space Gorilla and The Project Factory for NBC Universal. The awards take place in Melbourne on Friday the 8th of May. Click the link below to see the list of nominees for the 2015 ADG Awards.
